5 Morning Tips to Help You While Working From Home

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5 Morning Tips to Help You While Working From Home

It can become difficult to adjust working in your humble abode, so here are a few ways in which you can create the ideal morning routine.

1. Stretch/Meditate 

what to do when you wake up in the morning

    With everything that is going on in and outside of your house, there are a million things to worry about. Take this time in the morning to ease your mind, find your focus, and listen to your body.

    It doesn’t have to be a full yoga routine, but stretching enough to get your joints moving and blood circulating will do the trick. Even 5-10 minutes can go a long way to get your muscles loose and energized. Here are also some simple stretches you can try. 

    Meditation and easy breathing exercises can also help you relax and create a positive start to your day. 

    Sit legs-crossed with your back straight. Close your eyes and breath in for five seconds and breath out for 5 more. The point isn’t to breathe “correctly,” but to focus on your breath, your body, and clearing your mind. Repeat this breathing pattern a couple times and you’ll already feel a difference in your attitude. 

    If stress gets to you during your busy day at home, you can try this breathing exercise

    • Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds
    • Hold your breath for 7 seconds
    • Exhale out your mouth for 8 seconds 
    • Repeat

    2. Change into Work Clothes

    working from home tips productivity

      You don’t necessarily have to wear a blazer or tuck in your shirt. However, getting out of your pajamas and dressing as if you’re heading to work can greatly change your mindset. Even a “casual Friday” look can help. The goal is to prevent that sluggish and lazy feeling while still feeling relaxed and comfortable (you are at home, afterall). If you have a video conference call, you can probably still get away with wearing cozy bottoms. 

      Apart from dressing for work, going through all the normal routines such as fixing your hair, washing your face, or putting on makeup can also give you purpose and motivation. Fix yourself up in a way that makes you feel good about yourself!

      3. Work Away from Your Bed/Bedroom 

      tips for working remotely

      Most students and people who regularly work from home can probably agree with this. Working on your bed is never a great idea, and can most likely decrease your productivity. Even working near your bed or in your bedroom for long periods of time can affect your mood and easily distract you. 

      It’s important to separate your relaxation environment from your work environment. If you can, try to work in your dining room table, living room, or even outside for a while. If you feel your productivity and mood start to deteriorate, change it up! Sit in another chair, read standing up, or even rearrange your workspace to refresh yourself. 

      Here are some simple tips to creating a better workspace at home:

      • Crack open a window to let in fresh air 
      • Open your blind/curtains to get natural light in
      • Light a candle to create a nice relaxing ambiance
      • Clean and clear your workspace. The more minimal, the better. A clean workspace = a clear mind

      4. Make a Good Breakfast

      adjusting for working from home

        Of course, you should always have a good breakfast before work/school. But now that you probably have a little more time to get ready, you can plan a good meal that’ll power your morning. Avoid eating too much where you feel too full to lift a finger, though. 

        Here are some great foods to get your work day up and running: 

      1. Fruits 
      2. Fruits are never a bad option and can even be enjoyed during any time of the day. Use them for smoothies, dip them into peanut or almond butter, or put a mix of them into a bowl.

      3. Oatmeal
      4. Simple and easy to make! It really is up to you what you want to put in it as well. There are numerous ways to change up your oatmeal. Here are a few things you can add to spice it up: 

        For savory oatmeal, you can add ingredients such as:

        • salt/pepper
        • Fried egg
        • Avocado
        • Cheese
        • Kale/Spinach
        • Nuts

        For a sweet oatmeal, you can add:

        • Honey
        • Almond butter/peanut butter/chocolate spread 
        • Berries 
        • Milk/milk alternatives 
        • Cinnamon
        • Cacao nibs 
      5. Coffee/Tea
      6. Something we often rely on regardless of where we’re working is coffee or tea. It’s a great way to energize yourself. During your time working from home, you can change up your usual cup of joe with different milk alternatives, different sweeteners, or even how you make your coffee. 

        We don’t want to feel lethargic before the work day has even begun. Energizing your body first thing in the morning with good foods can prevent that. 

        5. Create a Game Plan

        how to prepare for working from home

        Although you are working from home, you most likely have other responsibilities that need your attention such as chores, your kids, or your pets. We all have a life outside of work, and during a time like this where everything seems to be overlapping, it can be hard to find a balance of your own time and energy. 

        Write down everything you need or want to accomplish for the day. Even small tasks like taking out the garbage or sending an email. Doesn’t it feel great to check off each task as your day goes on? Writing a game plan for your day not only helps you prioritize, but also balance your work and personal schedule. 

        Bottom line: keep doing what you’re doing to get ready for work while incorporating the little things that will help you get through your day at home. These are overwhelming and uncertain times, so take care of yourself in a way that works best for you. Be kind to yourself and take breaks when you need to. Go on walks, read a book, or spend time with your friends and family. 

        Take everything one step at a time, one day at a time.


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