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What is the Difference Between White and Black Coffee?

You probably have heard of black coffee, but have you ever heard of white coffee? Did you know there was even such a thing? Let's explore.

What is black coffee?

what is the difference between white an black coffee

Black coffee is referred to as just coffee that is brewed, but has absolutely no other additives, sugars, creams, or flavorings. Black coffee itself naturally has a bitter and slightly acidic taste that packs a strong punch when consumed!

However, the natural flavor of the coffee itself will vary depending on where the bean was produced and how it was processed. It is essentially just brewed instant coffee or coffee grounds with not milk or creamer.

What is white coffee?

can coffee be white

While you might think that white coffee is simply coffee with milk, that's not case. White coffee is coffee that has a slightly lighter roast. It is roasted only halfway in the process and it carries a light, whitish hue and a nutty flavor. Due to it being lightly roasted, its taste is far less acidic and bitter, but can carry a sort of sour flavor.

The temperature must be precise when roasting white coffee beans and typically the temperature is set to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. When it is finely ground and brewed, it produces a beverage that has a beige, creamy hue.

White coffee’s history

Black coffee has been around for ages, but who came up with white coffee? It actually originated from the Middle East in the small country of Yemen. People in Yemen used to drink white coffee that was flavored with hawaji. Hawaji is a traditional spice blend with primarily cumin and black pepper and often contains cardamom, coriander, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and cloves that adds a pack of flavor to the white coffee. 

What are the main differences between black and white?

So, what is really different between the two types of coffee besides their roast? Many people assume that because additives are added into the coffee like milk, creamer, or sugar that it makes the coffee “whiter” or lighter and that is what makes white coffee, but that is not true at all.

White coffee is simply known for the way it is roasted and the temperature it is roasted in. Black coffee is roasted for a longer period of time and at a temperature of 400-480 degrees Fahrenheit whereas white coffee’s roasting temperature is dramatically lowered to around 300-325 degrees. Adding milk, creamer and sugar to your coffee will simply make a flat white type of beverage, not white coffee.

How does white coffee taste?

what is better white or black coffee

Unlike black coffee, white coffee doesn’t have much of a strong, bitter taste. It may be a little bit sour, but the way the beans are processed actually provide the bean with a nutty, aromatic flavor. There is no way to pinpoint the exact flavor of white coffee, but it truly all depends on where the beans are sourced from.

Each country has its own special, unique way of preparing the white coffee! However, those who have already tried white coffee have said that Colombia and Brazil tend to have nutty white coffee while Sumatra carries an aromatic white coffee.

Benefits of drinking white coffee

Did you know that white coffee is thought to be healthier and reduce high levels of acidity in the body? It is known to contain higher levels of the infamous antioxidant, Chlorogenic Acid, that black coffee also has. This is mainly due to how the beans are lightly roasted, which doesn’t change the natural components of the beans as much.

While black coffee is known to be strong and bitter, other people have said that white coffee is easier on their stomachs. Due to it being gentler to the body and not as strong as black coffee, many include white coffee into their daily regimen! 

Benefits of drinking black coffee

There are a plethora of claimed benefits that drinking black coffee raw provides. Due to its darker roast and strong caffeine punch, black coffee can help you burn fat. The caffeine in the black coffee is a natural supplement and can aid in losing fat.

Black coffee naturally contains antioxidants, but also carries essential nutrients that are good for your body. One cup of coffee can contain vitamins such as riboflavin, pantothenic acid, potassium, manganese, magnesium, and much more.

Coffee can also aid in preventing health risks and diseases. Black coffee has been shown to help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Studies done on this topic have shown that those who drink a lot of black coffee have a 23-50% lesser chance of getting type 2 diabetes. 

How to drink white coffee

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White coffee naturally carries a nutty flavor, but it is subtle therefore many people love to enjoy it by adding different nut milks inside. The innate nutty flavor of the white coffee is enhanced with nut milk, and it makes a delectable, creamy cup of joe!

Also, if you are not a fan of the acidic flavors of coffee, it is wise to add milk to help combat the acidity in the drink. Furthermore, coffee enthusiasts say that white coffee is best consumed when made from espresso and not other methods of brewed coffee. 

Where can I get white coffee?

Although white coffee is not as widely known as black coffee is, it is still very accessible and worth a try.

It can be found in your local supermarket or grocery as well as purchased online. Since it is unique and a hot commodity, you might even find it at a local farmers market. Some coffee shops also carry white coffee inside their store to purchase the beans and take home. 


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