how to make your morning so much better
The Waka Life Blog

5 Ways to Make Your Morning More Productive

Your morning is the best time of the day. You can jump start your day fresh and finish many of your daily chores in the first few hours. This is how you can make it so much more productive.

While It’s not easy getting out of bed early in the mornings, especially if you have the time to sleep in, it's actually the right thing to do. Waking up before your normal alarm clock and getting your day started will increase your productivity and successes. And we don’t mean wake up and instantly check your phone to see what your friends or family were up to last night.

Challenge yourself to be the best person you can be, and that can just be with waking up and getting out of bed early to make your mornings more productive.

1. Exercise your body and mind 

how to make your morning more productive

Get your body and mind ready by releasing some endorphins from the night before, all while preparing for the upcoming day. You can work out alone or with people, either way has positive benefits.

This time will allow you to focus on yourself as you’re getting the blood pumping early in the morning. If you have a partner then this allows time to connect, bond, or network, utilizing your time even more in the morning.

By working out in the morning, you’re putting yourself ahead of everyone else and saving yourself the stress of working out later in the day. Not only are you fueling yourself with energy, but also building resilience from staying in your bed for a minute longer.

If you want to maximize your productivity with your morning workout routines, prepare the night before so you have no excuses to miss the gym.

2. Journaling

best tips for a productive morning

Setting aside the early morning for yourself is so important, especially if you use this time for self reflection. This means putting down your phone for an hour or so and having the self control to not reach for it when you have free time.

It’s important to make it a habit to focus on yourself mentally -- plan out your passions, goals, intentions, and/or gratitudes by writing it down on paper. By setting intentions or goals, you’re giving yourself things to look forward to.

This is a great way to set yourself up for a successful day, week, or month. It’s easy to get lost in our thoughts so journaling will give you clarity and less self-doubt. You never know, this part of your day might strike some creativity and inspiration to help you kick off your day. 

    3. Drinking coffee or tea

    drinking coffee in the morning

      Quality caffeinated drinks will fuel your morning with energy and antioxidants. If you are in a rush (after journaling and excising), instant coffee and tea can be your go to method. They are time efficient, allowing you to focus your energy into work, cleaning, or something more productive than brewing other types of coffee or tea.

        4. Get ahead in your work

        start working early for more productivity

          The key to productivity is staying organized, especially with how you spend your time. Giving yourself the morning to work on your important tasks can result in better results. Utilize the quiet hours!

          There’s no distractions or noise since it’s near the crack of dawn whether it be from your kids, spouse, or pets, thus giving you the ultimate time to focus on your work with no interruptions. Get ahead in your emails, create those business presentations, or organize your schedule.

            5. Connecting with loved ones 

            productivity tips for good mornings

              Connect with your loved ones, and no, we don’t mean by connecting through social media. Start your mornings off with quality time with your family, pets, and friends.

              You can connect face-to-face or over the phone, whatever is most convenient for you. We often get carried away with our busy schedules and come home too tired from a long day to spark any type of conversation. Thus, waking up earlier in the morning and using that time to catch up with people you love in your life will improve both parties involved in the conversation.

                It’s best to take these five habits at your own pace so you won’t feel overwhelmed. You don’t have to instantly start exercising or getting ahead in your work. Make ease into your daily practice of waking up early and adding these small routines.

                How you start your mornings is important since it sets the tone for the day. By implementing these small habits to create productive mornings, you will maximize your time and succeed in what you set your mind to.


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