Why More Hotels Are Switching to Instant Coffee | Waka Coffee


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Why More Hotels Are Switching to Instant Coffee

More hotels are now switching to instant coffee because of its quality, convenience and ease of use. Should your hotel switch to instant coffee as well? 

Coffee machines are getting costly. With replenishing supplies of coffee to keep up with the latest models, hotels are falling short. However, hotels are making the switch to instant coffee because of its simplicity and convenience for both hotel staff and guests.

1. Environmentally friendly coffee solution

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Certain coffee machines require instant pods or cups that can be detrimental to our environment. That is costly not only for the hotel, but for all of us. With the single use plastic, it is so easy to build up the waste and that landfill will never go away. Instant coffee requires only water, leaving no coffee waste.

With instant coffee, you can serve in-room coffee in reusable canisters or recyclable and eco-friendly packaging. This switch from pods to instant coffee is sensational and will leave hotel guests feeling better in the comfort of their hotel rooms. It reduces waste build up in the room, and in the world. 

2. Best return on investment

Switching to instant coffee

This lasting change to switch from single use plastic to refillable instant coffee canisters will leave a compelling reaction to hotel guests. This can help guests decide if they want to stay at that hotel again for their next trip. 

When buying freshly roasted beans, your expiration date is usually within a month, sometimes even less if not stored correctly. When bought in bulk, you might end up tossing some of the extra unused coffee bags, which is a waste of your money. Instant coffees can last to up two years while still maintaining a delicious taste.

In addition, buying single-serve coffee capsules can get as expensive as $1 a cup. When you buy quality instant coffee bags in bulk and divide the per serving cost, you can get a delicious cup of coffee for as little as $0.4 per serving. If you would like to buy bulk instant coffee packets for your hotel, the wholesale cost of instant coffee will beat that price as well.

3. Convenience for hotel guests

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Hotel guests can skip the hassle of waiting for the hotel cafe to open. They can make instant coffee in the comfort of their hotel room without operating any coffee machines (that are often broken!). To make instant coffee, it takes little to no work because it just requires a cup or mug and water. With a simple kettle in the room and a few instant coffee packets, it will take no time for your guests to have the best cup of instant coffee.

This amenity in the room will keep your guests for longer in the room, which can lead to purchasing more room services and higher customer satisfaction.

4. No setup costs

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It's really easy to switch to instant coffee. Some coffee machines are very costly and the upkeep is just as pricey. It can be draining to the electricity and energy bills because coffee machines are constantly plugged in, and cost hotels money regardless if they were used or not. Some hotels do not offer their guests complimentary coffee or need to bring a machine "on order," which leave your customers unsatisfied.

By cutting out coffee machines, hotels can save thousands because they don’t have to upkeep with maintenance or staff to clean the machines all while keeping their guests happy and satisfied.

5. Clean and aesthetic

Instant Coffees, Ranked by a Professional Coffee Snob

Instant coffee can be stored in refillable or recyclable small canisters or boxes, which saves space compared to a coffee machine. 

Coffee machines can be very bulky and require a lot of space from the hotel desks or cabinets. By switching out the coffee machines to just a simple kettle, hotel guests can utilize more space with their room! 

6. Practical coffee

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No more coffee makers cleaning and filters changing. Staff will just have to maintain the cleanliness of where the instant coffee is stored, the water kettles, and mugs. In addition, it means staff don’t have to be trained in how to clean or repair a coffee machine. That saved time can be spent elsewhere, utilizing the staff in other essential hotel work. 

Making the switch from coffee machines to instant coffee will benefit hotels immensely. Hotel coffee usually gets a bad reputation because of the poor quality, but by switching to high quality instant coffee, guests will have a new experience they can drink in-room or take with them on-the-go.


Looking to add instant coffee in your hotel? Contact us today.

Waka Coffee & Tea