The CinnaPom Sangria Loaded Tea Recipe


sangria loaded tea recipe
The Waka Life Blog

CinnaPom Sangria Loaded Tea

Can it get any better than a Sangria loaded tea? Make it a pomegranate tea powder!

What is Sangria?

Sangria is a popular Spanish punch made with red wine, chopped fruit, and a variety of spices and sweeteners. It is often served at parties and gatherings and is a refreshing and tasty choice for a summer beverage. In addition to being delicious, sangria is also easy to make at home with just a few simple ingredients. Whether you prefer a traditional recipe or want to get creative and add your own twist, sangria is a versatile and enjoyable drink that is sure to be a hit at any occasion.

The Benefits of Pomegranates 

Pomegranate is a superfood that is packed with nutrients and offers numerous health benefits. Not only is it a great source of vitamins C and K, it also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can help boost the immune system and protect against diseases. Pomegranate has been shown to improve heart health, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of certain cancers. It may also have anti-aging effects, helping to improve skin health and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

CinnaPom Sangria Loaded Tea Recipe

This recipe was originally posted on Silver Lining Lessons and edited for Waka Coffee & Tea.

what is the best loaded tea recipe



  1. Dissolve 4C citrus and 4C berry, tea powder, guarana powder and cinnamon syrup and sangria drink mix in 6 oz hot water.
  2. Pour into bottom of cup; then, pack cup with ice.
  3. Coat top of ice with cold aloe vera juice.
  4. Mix wild berry punch with 8 oz cold water; Add mixture into cup.

Can loaded teas help with weight loss?

Make your loaded tea with Waka's teas. Get them here.


Waka Coffee & Tea